Remembering Lost Loved Ones

Remembering Lost Loved Ones

Grieving a loss, whether it is a family member, a friend or a co-worker, is challenging and painful. When you lose someone close, you go through a process of grieving and mourning. The process can be even more difficult when the loss is sudden or tragic. Remembering your lost loved one can help you feel less alone over time and provide a positive outlet for grief. 

Here are some ideas for remembering those you have lost.

  • Hold annual memorials. Events to remember the person you lost can be held with your closest loved ones or as a neighborhood-wide gathering. As time passes, you may find that others speak of your loved one less and less. Setting aside time to talk about your lost loved one can help keep their memory alive as well as provide a space to continue the grieving process.

  • Bring a picture of them to significant events. While you miss your loved one daily, it can be especially difficult during major events. Find ways to incorporate them into these times by setting a seat for them at the Thanksgiving table or lighting a candle at your wedding to express your remembrance of them.

  • Make their favorite foods. Food can be a great way to remember your loved one and reflect on memories you have with them. Consider renaming their favorite snack with their name, such as "Sarah's cookies" or "Bill's chocolate cake."

  • Create a quilt out of their clothes. The process of crafting a quilt from their old clothes will give you time to process your grief, and then once it is complete, you will have something of theirs to bring you comfort. You can use their favorite tee shirts, jeans, sweaters or any other clothing to create each square of your quilt.

  • Read their favorite book. Someone's favorite book says a lot about them. Consider reading your loved one's favorite book, even if you have read it before, and see it from their perspective to feel closer to them. What would they find funny or thought-provoking? What was their favorite part?

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