Post-Holiday Wind Down

Post-Holiday Wind Down

You made it! Another holiday season in the books – shopped, wrapped, cooked, attended holiday gatherings, celebrated with family and friends, and reflected on challenges and successes of the past year. Are you feeling the post-holiday blues (reduced energy, unmotivated) or are you still reeling from the excitement from the past few weeks? Everyone feels differently after the holiday rush, no matter how you are feeling, now is the perfect time to reset. If you are feeling drained – mentally, emotionally, and physically – unorganized, or not in line with your usual routine, it’s time to regain your balance with these four tips.

Reflect and Reset

Take some time to reflect on how the past month or two went. Did you feel fulfilled with your cup full or like your body was in overdrive trying to do it all? What brought you joy, what didn’t make you feel holiday cheer? Acknowledge anything that you experienced and allow any thoughts or feelings. Based on these reflections, set clear intentions for the coming weeks to rebalance yourself and your priorities. Avoid overscheduling yourself with unnecessary commitments or anything that might cause added overwhelm.

Prioritize Wellness

Nutrition, exercise, and sleep should be at the top of your list. The past few weeks, you may have indulged in a few more cookies than usual, didn’t move your body as much, and had an irregular sleep schedule. Now is the time to commit to eating nourishing snacks and meals – think whole veggies, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats; reintroducing movement by taking daily 20-minute walks or getting back to your fitness regimen; and recharging your body with consistent sleep habits.


Ever notice after the holiday season, store shelves are stocked with organizing tools? After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, take time to declutter! Added mess and disorganization can quickly exacerbate feelings of stress. Just visually seeing things out of place or feeling closed in, might enhance anxiety and a need to simplify. Take some time to tidy up your living and working spaces by donating or discarding items that aren’t useful. Start small with a single drawer or a corner. The act of decluttering can be therapeutic!

Clear Your Calendar

In the near-term, wipe your calendar of any added appointments, meetings, get togethers, or irrelevant happenings. Instead take the first month of the year to reprioritize and connect to what is most important. In time, once the excitement wears off and the decorations are packed away, you might be feeling the winter itch do have some fun. If you are up for it, counter this by planning an easy weekend with family or friends, attending a community event or that show or movie you’ve been wanting to see, or tackling that house project you’ve been putting off.

Wind down after the holidays by setting boundaries with taking time to reflect, prioritizing both your wellness and your time, and organizing anything that does or does not serve you. Take charge of and protect your energy after the holidays by bringing a sense of structure back to your daily life.


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