Finishing the Year Strong
2024 is almost over! As we begin to embrace the holiday season, there’s no better time than the present to evaluate where you are and where you still need to go in achieving your health and wellness goals. While this time of year can be difficult to stay on track, our six tips can help you finish the year on a strong note.
Take stock. Take a few minutes to reflect on your previously set goals for the year. What progress have you made? What challenges did you face? Did you accomplish a big milestone? Celebrate your achievements big and small and use them as motivation as you move closer to the end of the year and look ahead to the new year.
Needs vs. wants. Now is an ideal time to reflect on what you’d like to or need to accomplish by the end of the year. There’s a lot of scrambling toward year end to check off items that have been idling on your to-do list. Instead, double down and create a master list of needs vs. wants. Take the next few months to narrow your focus and reduce distractions to create and get into a wellness routine that you’re capable of. Align your goals with what’s most valuable to you.
Prioritize your health. As obvious as it sounds, make sure to rank your physical and mental health at the top of your list. It can be easy to push wellbeing aside during busy months like the end of the year when personal and professional priorities seem to be taking up more time. Be sure to incorporate regular exercise into your routine however it feels good to you – a dance party with your favorite playlist or walking the dog to clear your mind, do what works for you to release endorphins and alleviate stress.
Indulge in the right foods. Now that you have made it a priority to focus on physical and mental health, it’s important to complement it with the right diet. When grocery shopping, rather than just going for your usuals, look for fresh items or packaged goods lower in added sugars or additives. And make it fun! Try seasonal offerings and recipes with ingredients that you wouldn’t normally eat; you might just find your new favorite dish!
Reframe your thinking. Enhance your wellbeing with mindfulness and gratitude. Stay grounded and present by acknowledging the moment through meditation and being thankful for things you appreciate. These practices can reduce stress, shift focus, increase your awareness, and help you appreciate life’s small pleasures during the usually chaotic wind down that the end of the year brings.
Connection. The end of the year comes with challenges for everyone, so don’t shy away from human connection. As the year winds down, connect with family, friends, and neighbors in your community. Make the most of these connections and shared experiences with a simple phone call, lunch or holiday gathering.
Finishing the year strong is not just about achieving goals but also about feeding your mind, body, and spirit with healthy habits. No effort is too small; every step contributes to your overall health and well-being and sets you up for success in the new year ahead.