Developing a Personal Wellness Calendar

Developing a Personal Wellness Calendar

Ready to welcome some wellness into your life but not sure where to start? We’re here to help! Creating a personal wellness calendar that evaluates your current lifestyle, sets achievable goals, and enables you to track your progress is a fantastic way to hold yourself accountable throughout your journey to optimal health and wellness.

Just like you may have a home-based calendar dedicated to personal commitments or a work calendar dedicated to meetings and projects, creating a calendar that is dedicated to tracking your health and wellness is just as important. Helping you navigate the direction you want to take, this type of calendar invites you to shift priorities and expand your awareness around your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Here’s how to get started:

1.     Take stock of your current wellness

The first step to making a change is taking an analysis of your current wellness. Take a close look at your daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly wellness. Start your mornings with a meditation? Head to the gym four times a week? Monitor your weight at the start of the month? Whatever it may be, big or small, take inventory of what wellness activities you already partake in so you can realistically make room for improvements.

2.     Commit to Smart Scheduling

Make sure to use your time wisely. Starting with small, achievable goals create and craft a wellness calendar that can help you find balance and keep you on track. Learn how to cultivate organization as a skill, increase your quality of sleep, ease anxiety and overwhelm, and even how to adapt and evolve when things don’t go as planned.

3.     Variety is Key

Routines can become stagnant, feeling more like a required chore and less like an enjoyable or fulfilling experience. Keep things exciting by adding a diverse mix of activities that give you something to look forward to. From altering types of fitness classes to trying new healthy recipes, you’ll layer opportunities to take charge of your wellness.   

4.     Track Your Progress

Regularly set reminders, utilize an app, or manage a checklist to review and assess the effectiveness of your wellness calendar. Are you seeing results, do you feel slowed down or motivated, are you feeling accountable? Celebrate your efforts and increase your drive while reinforcing the importance of maintaining a calendar.

5.     Set Yourself Up for Success

Develop strategies and take actionable steps that align with your motivations. Use self-encouragement to make space for systems that will set you up for positive change. Even when times get tough, you grow uninterested, or there is a nagging voice that tells you not to stick with it, don’t underestimate the power of your wellness calendar.

By establishing a clear wellness routine, you will value what you can do today and better visualize where you are going in the future. Effortlessly fuel the journey and choose to make a meaningful impact that is consistent with your wellness goals.

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