Self-Love on Valentine's Day

Self-Love on Valentine's Day

Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with a partner, friends, pets or by yourself, love for yourself is equally as important as your love for others. You might see or hear Valentine’s Day messages about being in a relationship or persuading you to buy gifts for that special someone, but what about taking care of you? Try a few of these simple ways to treat yourself on Valentine’s and give yourself the affection you deserve.

  • Do something that makes you happy. Spend time reading a good book, watching the sunset or engaging in a favorite hobby. Loving yourself comes from within, so start by adding positivity to your day.

  • Cook or go out to dinner. You don’t need an excuse to splurge a little on dinner! Whether you prefer to cook or go out to eat, putting a little extra effort into your meal can help you feel special and good about yourself.

  • Buy or make yourself a gift. The most important person in your life is you, so treat yourself to a Valentine’s present to show yourself a little love.

  • Relax and recharge. Take some time for yourself to enjoy a nap, massage or a nice bubble bath. Relaxing, getting good sleep and taking care of your mind and body can boost your mood, especially if your Valentine’s Day feels difficult.

  • Celebrate your wins and practice positive affirmations. Whether big or small, acknowledging your successes and positive attributes can help you recognize your worth. Be kind to yourself and know that just being you is enough.

Feeling down on Valentine’s? If you need support and guidance to help you through today’s challenges, reach out to your mental health provider or employee assistance program.

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