Practicing Mindfulness: Self-Compassion

Practicing Mindfulness: Self-Compassion

Compassion for other people requires us to notice their suffering and feeling so moved by it that we feel a response to their pain. When we experience compassion, we feel the desire to help the person who is suffering.  This also includes being understanding and showing kindness when others make mistakes rather than judging them harshly.  Compassion also involves realizing that imperfection, failures and pain are part of life. 

Self-compassion involves applying this mindset with ourselves. When we make a mistake or fail, instead of judging ourselves harshly, we are kind and understanding of ourselves. We can make attempts to change our behaviors to better our health and happiness, because we are worth it. Change does not need to signify punishment.

When someone you care about makes a mistake, is suffering or experiences a failure, how do you react to them? How is this different than how you react to yourself in similar situations? Take a moment to step back and evaluate your response in both situations.

This exercise is a good first step towards being more aware of how we treat ourselves.  It gives us the opportunity to work towards practicing self-compassion for our health and well-being.

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