Starting School With Healthy Sleep

Starting School With Healthy Sleep

Adequate rest can help a student focus better in class, recall subjects easier and cope better with navigating emotions and relationships. But transitioning back to earlier bed times and morning alarms for school after the luxury of sleeping in this summer can be difficult for kids.

You can help ease that process by implementing the 5 keys to better sleep:

  • Body sync. Start the shift to your regular school schedule now by moving up your child’s sleep and wake-up times in15 or 30 minutes increments every few days. This helps their body adjust slowly and naturally. Adding a new element of evening or morning routines every time like bathing/showering, choosing outfits, pet care or reading time will reinforce the progression.

  • Light. Encourage your children to play outside when the weather permits. Soaking in the sunlight will help them sleep more soundly in the evening (and can also improve moods!). Set an electronics “curfew” a few hours before bed, since the bright light of the screens can prevent the release of melatonin and delay sleepiness. Keep their room as dark as possible for bedtime. If your little one is anxious in the dark, place a night light in the hallway rather than in their bedroom.

  • Movement. If your child has been sitting for a long period after dinner, encourage them to get up and move around as bedtime approaches. Light exercise a few hours before bed can improve sleep. It increases the amount of time spent in the each stage of the sleep cycle so they wake up feeling refreshed.

  • Nutrition. Try to avoid eating heavy, large meals right before bedtime since it can prevent a good night’s rest. Similarly, keeps post-dinner snacks light and healthy, such as yogurt, banana or other fruit or a small bowl of whole-grain, low-sugar cereal with milk.

  • Environment. Ideal sleeping temperatures for children range from 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t allow electronics in bed. Turn on soothing white noise or music on a device. You can also try putting essential oils like lavender, valerian, bergamot, sandalwood or vanilla in a diffuser for an additional element of relaxation.

Help your child get better quality rest for school by focusing on one key at a time. The Sleep Fitness Toolkit provides further resources and techniques to help establish healthy patterns to fall asleep and stay asleep.

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