Things to Avoid in Your Morning Routine

Things to Avoid in Your Morning Routine

Getting up in the morning is hard enough as it is, and how you start your day can greatly affect how you’re going to feel for the rest of it. However, we are rarely taught that we are not all built for the same morning routines. Everyone is different and getting into healthier habits can start with getting into your own groove. Here are some things to try out to find a good fit for your wake-up routine!

·        Proactive vs. Reactive Modes. A lot of us wake up and the first thing we do is check our phones—immediately checking inboxes and social media and this is called a “reactive mode.” A more productive approach would be getting into a “proactive mode” in the morning. This is just taking time before you check your phone to go through your priorities that day, making a to-do list, and making plans for how best spend your day.

·        Do less multitasking. It’s easy to get in the habit of making coffee, getting dressed, checking the news, and corralling the kids all at once right away in the morning. However, this greatly reduces productivity and can have long-term negative effects on the brain. Though it’ll take a week or two to get into the habit, try taking one task at a time. Let your brain focus on one thing at a time.

·        Not eating or drinking water. We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but not all of us are good at actually having breakfast regularly. Even having a piece of toast with peanut butter on it can greatly improve your daily focus. Also, drink water! Your body’s ability to concentrate is closely linked to your hydration.

·        Waking up Too Early. This sounds weird, but a lot of us put pressure on ourselves to wake up very early in order to be “productive.” But, and this is great news for our sleep lovers out there, waking up earlier does not mean you’re more productive. Those who wake up at 9 and those who wake up at 6 are both equally as likely to be productive if that is the time their bodies want to naturally wake up. Try playing around with different alarm times and see what works for you!

Remember, you are a unique being who has unique requirements for a healthy life. Don’t force your body to perform at a time or in a capacity in which it can’t be productive. Take time to find what works best for you. Take your time in the morning, and remember to drink some water while you do!

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