Easy Ways To Refresh Your Morning Routine

Easy Ways To Refresh Your Morning Routine

Swap the phone-scrolling with something more mindful. Instead of instantly checking the news or social media newsfeed, try a quick meditation, journaling or morning stretch. If you choose to journal, try writing 3 things you're grateful for or something you want to create/accomplish that day.

Ditch the cup of joe. Many of us rely on a steaming mug of coffee to start the day, but take this opportunity to try something new. We recommend some energizing tea, adding collagen to your coffee, or some matcha green tea powder.

Wake up earlier. The sun is rising earlier with Spring's arrival, so try kickstarting your day and wake up with the sun! Getting sunlight first thing in the morning can produce mood-boosting serotonin and can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle, making you more alert, energized and ready to take on the day. You'll also have some extra time in the morning to focus on some of those self-care morning rituals we mentioned above.

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