10 Ways to Gain Muscle at Home
There are plenty of ideas below that are perfect for everyone, but make sure to be safe and start light!
Water Jug or Laundry Detergent: Hold while doing abs, lunges, side lunges, squats, and alternating chest passes (on back)
Canned Items: This will work your arms by doing bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, shoulder press, and shoulder raise
Chair: Triceps dips, step up on-to chair, hip thrusts with back on floor and feet on chair
Backpack with Books: Take strength to a new level when doing push-ups and planks
Small Bag of Pet Food/Bag of Potatoes: Russian twists, crunches with knees up or legs straight, and overhead triceps extensions
Case of Sparkling Water: Single dead lifts, and single leg bridge (back on floor and one foot on case)
Paint Cans: Calf raises, walking lunges, bicep curl, squat, and single deadlifts
Stairs: Triceps stair dip with leg raise, mountain climber, stair lunges, balance plank, and lateral squat
Wall: Wall sit, side triceps pushup, plank knee pull-in, and one-legged chair
Paper Plates (under feet): Oblique pike, knees to chest, and slingshot lunge
Don’t forget about towels or shirts to stretch your calf, hamstring, and arm muscles