The No Gym Workout

The No Gym Workout

With warm weather upon on us, there are tons of great opportunities to get in a great workout, without paying for a gym membership!

Hit the Playground - Use playground equipment to your advantage. Use steps or jumping blocks for step-ups, triceps dips, or push-ups. You can even give the monkey bars a shot! (Pro Tip: Remove any rings first!)

Yard Work Out - If you have to pull weeds, trim, or do any other yard work, make it count! Put on some music and do 20 jumping jacks with each song change. Engage your core muscles each time you squat down or reach up. Throw in some push-ups or hold a plank between tasks and get your heart pumping!

Walk it Out - If possible, walk to errands where you can do so safely. Carrying a small bag of groceries is a great upper body workout. Or, if you can't walk to a nearby store, park at the far end of the shopping mall or strip of stores, and walk back and forth. Another alternative is to take a quick walk around the block every time you get out of your car!

Couch Potato No More - Go ahead and binge-watch your favorite summer TV-show! Instead of fast forwarding through commercials, hop up and do some quick body-weight exercises during each commercial break. Squats, alternating lunges, push-ups, planks, and abdominal crunches make for a great commercial-length workout. By the end of the show, you will have worked up a sweat!

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