Too Cold To Walk Outside? Think Again
We've all made the excuse that it's too cold outside to go for a walk. Here are some simple solutions that could help you get outside and stay in shape during those winter months.
Dress in layers. The first step is to wear a hat, gloves and maybe even a scarf. But try a sweat-wicking long-sleeved shirt, then add an insulated layer of fleece or down, and a windproof jacket. You want to feel warm but not hot and sweaty. Dressing in layers allows you to take off or put more on as needed.
Keep your toes warm. A simple trick is to tuck a paper napkin between the top of your foot and the upper part of the shoe or wrap your foot in a disposable shower cap. We also suggest wearing two pairs of socks, wearing less-breathable shoes, or maybe even purchasing toe warmers. There are plenty of quick remedies to keep your feet warm.
Keep your hands warm. Gloves are good, but mittens are better.
Use the rule of 5. Tell yourself you can quit after 5 minutes. Chances are good that when you're bundled up and out there, you'll keep going.
Chains for your shoes. Wear foot traction devices such as slip-on cleats that work with your regular walking shoes. It sounds weird, but they work!
Call a friend. You'll likely feel more motivated if you have a friend or two joining you for a walk. Plus, you can hold each other accountable.
When all else fails, walk indoors. It may not be ideal if you prefer walking outside, but it can get you through the winter months. If you don't own a treadmill, check out a local community center or school gym and use their equipment. Or find an indoor track, join the mall walkers, walk around your office building or even circle your house or apartment. You'd be surprised how many steps you can put in by circling the kitchen table while watching tv.