Five Markers for Brain Health

Five Markers for Brain Health

Your brain plays a major role in how every system in your body functions. Specifically, as it relates to your brain, how you feel, think and act are all important players in your overall wellbeing. This includes emotional and social wellbeing, cognitive functions, ability to focus, and clarity of thoughts. So, what are brain health indicators? Read on to learn about the five main markers.

  • Ability to decompress. Stress affects everyone. But it is how you handle it that can significantly improve your emotional intelligence. Are you quick to feel emotions boiling up? Can you respond to negative circumstances with ease? If a task or activity feels overwhelming, are you able to focus to complete it or are you more likely to throw in the towel? Being able to cultivate a balanced and easy sense of calm while managing stress, even in the most difficult circumstances, is a powerful reasoning skill that is directly correlated to brain health.

  • Booting boredom to the curb. Do you constantly look to feed your brain with fresh and exciting ventures? It could be diving into a new book, learning a new trade, or taking up a hobby outside of your norm. Keep your brain fresh by challenging yourself to learn new things and get out of your monotonous comfort zone. If you are active, so is your brain! Don’t settle for what you already know, having the ability and bandwidth to learn new things is an essential indicator of brain health.

  • Connections. Establishing relationships and connections in social environments is a key brain health indicator as it integrates everything from a stronger memory to attention processing. How you connect, with whom, and even how often all matters. If you have a comfortable social life, you consistently exercise speaking and language skills, process judgment, and focus on concentrating, you are unconsciously exercising a key brain health indicator.

  • Minding your mind. How often do you exercise your brain? Do you consciously choose to focus on impactful reasoning? Your direct thoughts influence your perceptions. Simple activities such as going for a leisurely walk, trying meditation or easy breath exercises, or gently stretching your body all culminate in being fully present and aware at any given moment. Ultimately this strengthens your brain muscles!

  • Brain/body relationship. You may have heard it before – your digestive system is impacted by your nervous system. Sensory symptoms from your gut cycle to your brain and vice versa. Mood changes, nerves and anxiety, and psychological triggers are all affected. Enjoying a stable emotional, non-reactive lifestyle influences behavior and can boost feel-good hormones in the body.

Keep in mind (…pun intended!) that brain health indicators are a constant part of your daily life. Without even realizing it, you can prioritize these indicators to nourish your brain and its mental agility. It’s never too soon to start improving your brain’s performance!

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