Nighttime Routines: Creating an Optimal Sleep Environment

Nighttime Routines: Creating an Optimal Sleep Environment

So, you made it through the workday, met your deadlines, took care of personal matters, and even had some moments of self-care… Now, it’s time to wind down with a restful bedtime routine. Simple adjustments to your nighttime routine can make all the difference! Here’s how:

  • Get in the right mind frame. Trigger your body for sleep and prepare to wind down with what works best for you. This could be taking a warm bath or shower, a little background noise, reading in bed under a dimmed light, or listening to calming meditations. If you are extra energized, try a walking meditation, pacing back and forth in your room for 10-20 minutes before bed and focusing on that simple task. 

  • Set up your room for sleep. Are there piles of laundry in the corner? Empty water cups on your nightstand? Does your room double as a home office? Clean, organize, or declutter the room as best you can to free it from distractions. Even if you can’t do the whole space, start with a corner. Keep it simple, remember that a tidy room promotes a tidy mind.

  • Adjust the lighting. Regulate your circadian rhythm and signal that it's time to wind down by dimming the lights or using soft lighting at least an hour before bed. That light also includes electronics like your phone or TV which emits blue light. For extra darkness, use blackout curtains or an eye mask to lessen any light interference.

  • Minimize disturbances. You’ve heard the phrase, silence is golden. However, silence can also feel loud if you aren’t used to it. If you struggle with quiet, try a white noise machine or calming noise apps, like ocean waves or rain sounds. Easeful sounds can create peaceful and soothing noises to help you drift off.

  • Optimize quality. The last hour or so before sleep is crucial for how your sleep might go. Optimize your sleep quality by staying consistent with your nighttime routine - strive to go to sleep at roughly the same time each night, especially so you can stay on schedule and set your body to wake up at the same time each morning. Unplug and unwind from any electronics and instead try incorporating relaxing activities into your evening like reading, journaling, and light stretches.

  • Check your diet. Avoid heavy meals, alcohol, and caffeine late in the day and especially before sleeping hours, as they can disrupt sleep. Your body needs time to process and break down what you are consuming before sleep. If you have a craving before bed, focus on light snacks such as a handful of nuts or a small piece of fruit. Caffeine-free herbal teas can also have soothing effects.

  • Listen to your body. The most important thing to remember is to listen to your body. If you are groggy or tired, take it easy and prioritize sleep. Your body cues might be telling you not to fight sleep, and for good reason. Building a routine that promotes deep, restful sleep will improve your nightly rest and help boost energy levels, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being during waking hours.

Don’t let perfection hold you back, every small step counts towards creating a healthy nighttime routine that you can maintain. Once you get into the habit of making sleep a priority, you’ll feel more refreshed and energized. A restful environment that showcases the importance of sleep will help fill you with comfort, peace, and restfulness.


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