Practicing Daily Inclusivity
Inclusivity is the act of ensuring everyone has access to the same opportunities, regardless of their background, culture, religion, gender or age. Inclusivity has become a major topic of conversation in the past several years. But, what does it look like in everyday life? How can you practice it at home, school or work?
Implementing practices that promote inclusivity helps to recognize these biases and fight against them. Here is what you need to know about practicing inclusivity and how you can keep an open mind and heart toward others.
Be genuine and practice empathy. Expressing empathy and genuine compassion towards others is one of the best and easiest ways to be inclusive. Instead of only inviting your close friends out to eat, extend the invite to others at your job, in your class or wherever your social interactions occur. You may be surprised at the relationships that develop from that small act of inclusion.
Recognize biases. Biases are opinions, attitudes or learned beliefs, often from childhood. These aren't always negative, but the issue with bias arises when a particular bias causes someone to be left out or ignored. This could be due to the color of their skin, their gender, their religion or anything that may make them different. Being mindful of your words and listening to others is the best way to recognize unhelpful biases, correct them and weed out prejudice in daily life.
Agree to disagree. The great part about including people from all different backgrounds is the stories you’ll hear, the relationships you’ll build and the different opinions and beliefs you’ll discover. However, there will be times when you may not agree with someone else’s lifestyle, religion or practices—and that’s okay! Establishing respect for one another’s opinions can be a solid foundation to build upon. The key is to understand that everyone has a right to their beliefs and should be included and treated with respect regardless.
These are just a few ways to help you include others in your life. It may feel uncomfortable initially, but it’s important to remember that we are all human. If you’re unsure of how to act in a situation, do your best to see people for who they are as individuals and treat them with the same empathy and respect you would like to receive from others.