Taking Breaks

Do you ever wish there was more time in the day? While you can’t add an extra hour to your day, you can make the most of the time you do have. Whether you often feel rushed or unorganized or simply want to improve your scheduling habits, taking just a few minutes out of your day to recharge can help improve your focus and reduce stress.  

You can read on to find out how taking breaks can help improve your wellbeing.

  • Utilize planning tools. Recording and scheduling your tasks and breaks in between tasks can help you keep track of your goals and what you need to complete by the end of the day. For example, if you need to meet a certain deadline, using calendars or planners can help you stay more organized. 

  • Include variety in your breaks. Studies show that taking breaks during the day can help reduce burnout and help you improve productivity. Whether you prefer stretching, taking a walk or going for a quick snack or coffee, use your breaks as a time to do what makes you happy.  

  • Set reminders. It can be easy to lose track of time when taking breaks, which is why it’s important to set time limits to avoid procrastination. Your break can be as little as one minute or as long as thirty minutes depending on your schedule or how stressed you feel. Use your phone to set alarms for when you should start and end your break.  

  • Do breathing exercises. If you feel stressed, try a breathing exercise during your break. During times of busyness, it can be hard to find time to just breathe. Studies show that taking a few minutes out of your day to meditate can help reduce anxiety, stress and tension.   

Taking breaks is an important form of self-care. Whether you like to exercise, connect with your loved ones or go outside to indulge in nature, having time to yourself can help improve your mental health, leading to a happier, healthier you.  

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