National Pet Day

Studies have shown that having pets can have a positive impact on your mental health. Even if you don’t own a pet, spending time with animals has known benefits. Today is National Pet Day in America, so pay your furry (or not-so-furry!) friends a little extra attention and learn about the positive effects animals can have on your wellbeing.

  • Support social connection. Studies show that children who grew up with any type of pet can easily connect with others. Animals have distinct personalities; forming a relationship with and training a pet can translate into positive personal interactions.

  • Reduce stress. Interacting with animals can lower your stress hormones. Did you know that just five minutes of petting and playing with a pet can reduce the stress hormone cortisol? Each type of animal brings additional benefits. For example, listening to a cat’s purr, brushing a dog or stroking a lizard’s scales can help soothe anxiety.

  • Promote healthy habits. Most pets have certain care requirements, meaning you must stick to a routine. Feeding, grooming or walking your pet can motivate you throughout your day and remind you to take care of yourself. Animals like horses, dogs or farm animals also encourage you to get outside and move.

  • Help with recovery from mental or physical ailments. From equine therapy to emotional support dogs, animals have long been used in treatments for everything from depression to autism. Furthermore, being in the company of animals has been known to help those with physical ailments or injuries feel less lonely and more optimistic.

  • Give you purpose and unconditional love! As any animal lover knows, one of the best benefits of owning a pet is the love you give one another. Yes, even a pet snake or fish can boost your wellbeing and give you feelings of acceptance. The time you spend watching and taking care of a beloved animal can help you feel a greater sense of calm and purpose and, most importantly, the joys of having an animal companion.

Take a moment today to spend some time with your favorite animal. While cuddling your pets can certainly boost your mood, don’t hesitate to reach out to your mental health care provider or employee assistance program if you need additional support.

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