Powering Through A Sleep-Deprived Day

Powering Through A Sleep-Deprived Day

Too many employees work tireless hours and there are many negative effects that sleep deprivation has on your body. However, sometimes we just can’t avoid those sleepless nights and exhaustingly long hours at the office.

Here are some energizing tips to help you survive a tired day:

Get outside. Before you start your workday, get some sunlight. Being exposed to the sun can get your internal clock to be alert.

Move around. Sitting at your desk for long periods of time and doing repetitive tasks can make you feel exhausted. Take breaks often, get up from your chair and stretch your legs. Small exercise stretches can help you reset your body and your mind.

Have a balanced amount of caffeine. Drinking coffee can block the sleep-inducing chemicals in your brain and cause alertness, but this is only temporary. The National Sleep Foundation said that three 8 oz cups of coffee over a whole day is considered a moderate amount.

Nap if possible. Having a quick 20-minute nap can often help you feel refreshed for several hours. Just be careful not to doze off for too long or else you can slip into the deep stages of sleep which can make you feel groggy after waking up.

Sleep that night. The best way to recover from sleeplessness is to sleep. The CDC recommends between 7-9 hours of sleep for adults. Make sleep a priority and set aside time to get enough sleep each night in order to feel refreshed and energized for the next workday.

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