Fall Into Healthy Habits
Here are some ways you can maximize the Fall season and create healthy habits:
Find a local race that takes advantage of the season. Fall is a popular time for costumed Halloween runs and Thanksgiving Day turkey trots. Put one on your calendar now and start working toward that goal!
Eat seasonally. It's prime season for apples, pears, butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potato and hardy greens like kale and Swiss chard. Not only are they tasty, they hold up in cozy recipes like soups, stews and casseroles.
Rake the leaves in your yard. This is a surprisingly taxing workout - burning up to 220 calories per hour!
Plan around the available natural light to make sure you have enough time for your workout. Less daylight hours can easily be an excuse not to exercise, so be mindful of this and plan ahead.
Feast on fall vegetables to add a little color to your diet. Try incorporating carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and squash.
Don't give in to the holiday hoopla! Instead of buying candy weeks before trick-or-treaters knock on your door, buy it the day before Halloween to avoid temptation. Also, plan holiday menus that feature some fall fruits and veggies to help you eat healthy.