Little Things That Can Make For Your Most Productive Day

Little Things That Can Make For Your Most Productive Day

Declutter anything you haven't used in a month. See if it's of use to anyone else in the office and if not, find somewhere to donate it! The key to decluttering well is decluttering consistently.

Implement file-it Fridays. If left alone, the piles of stuff on our desks would take on a life of their own. Block off a half-hour every Friday to organize your desk. That way you can start the following Monday off on a clean and tidy note!

Hide or organize all of those cords. The only thing worse than a visible pile of cords is a pile of cords that you have to untangle when you're looking for your phone charger, computer charger or headphones. Try using some sort of cord management accessory to keep everything clean and untangled.

Make space for a plant. Research shows that having a plant on your desk boosts happiness and purifies the air - making your space visually, mentally and physically more stimulating.

Display something that makes you smile. Maybe it's a card someone wrote to you, a photo from vacation, or an award you won. Whatever it is, it should remind you of what you're working for.

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