Wellbeing Place

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Do You Have To Track Calories To Lose Weight?

No. Everyone is different when it comes to their weight loss path – it’s not a one size fits all type of equation. While tracking calories can certainly be helpful for some people as it relates to accountability, learning more about their own eating habits, and eating more mindfully, it is not the only tool out there that can help with weight loss. For example, we can tune into our hunger and fullness cues to ensure we are listening to our body and properly fueling it. We can also work on watching our portion sizes by using smaller plates or putting our utensil down in between bites to eat slower. Some people may focus on implementing MyPlate – which is a nutritional guide of how we should organize our food to create a well-balanced meal. If calorie counting isn’t your thing, no worries! There are other ways you can find success throughout your weight loss journey!