Wellbeing Place

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Setting Intentions, Not Resolutions

The new year can seem like a great opportunity to focus on improving yourself mentally, physically and emotionally in the months ahead. While New Year’s resolutions have been popular as far back as ancient Rome, the truth is very few of them stick. Setting a lofty goal without a clear plan can make it too easy to give up.

This is where ‘intentions’ vs. resolutions can be a game changer. An intention is centered in being mindful of the present, focusing on the journey, while also keeping an eye on achieving your goal.

To inspire your creativity and awareness of changes that would boost your wellbeing in 2021, the following steps can help you create (and actually accomplish!) an intention or two:

  • Find Your Joy. The law of attraction states that by focusing on the things that bring you joy, you’ll bring more positive experiences into your life. Get out a notepad and write down the things ignite passion for you. Then, even if you have no idea what the outcome may be – add anything that “sparks” to the list!

  • Create a Mantra. Once you have your list, come up with a short mantra incorporating some of the things you’ve written down. Instead of a resolution to exercise more, your mantra could be ‘I plan to move more daily’. Or, if you want to make a big purchase this year, ‘I will be more disciplined with my finances.’ A mantra can also be a single word like patience, loyalty, love, or openness.

  • Stay Positive. Challenge yourself to frame things in the most positive light so that your intentions encourage and motivate you. For example, instead of saying , “I don’t want to be as stressed about work,” refocus your intention and say, “I intend to practice more relaxation techniques this year.”

  • Tell Someone. Share your intentions with a supportive and trusted confidant. Talking about your intentions make them more real and can help you feel more accountable for taking action. Plus, change isn’t easy and you are likely to encounter some obstacles. A friend or mentor can help regain your focus if you find yourself struggling.

  • Make a Vision Board. A visual reminder of your intentions is a great tool. Add clippings of inspirational words, phrases, and images to a bulletin board, poster or even the back of your door. Seeing your vision board every day can help you stay true to your intentions even when efforts get challenging.

  • Say It and Release It. Each day when you wake out, say your mantra out loud – and then let it go! You’ve planted the seed in your mind and don’t need to dwell on it. As the days and months unfold, you’ll see the impact of your intention unfolding in ways you may have never expected.