Wellbeing Place

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How Can I Prevent Burnout?

Being under the constant pressure to keep improving ourselves, setting higher goals, and achieving better results can be overwhelming for anyone. Pushing yourself might make you feel like you’re accomplishing a lot, but burning yourself out can have devastating consequences to your health.

Here are some tips on what you can do to prevent burnout:

Learn to say No. You need to know your limits and make sure not to take on more than what you can handle. You don’t have to accept every invitation or every project. Overwhelming your schedule can cause burnout and this can easily be avoided by knowing when to say No.

Get sufficient rest. Most people are not getting the eight hours of recommended sleep each night. Sometimes that extra hour of sleep is just what you may need to increase your productivity and happiness the next day. Plan ahead in your daily routine to make sure to get to bed early in order to feel refreshed the next day.

Get organized. Learning to manage your time and activities is a skill that can benefit all of us in our daily life and in our work-life. Feelings or burnout is linked to anxiety and stress. This can be avoided by using a planner. When your schedule is laid out in front of you, it can be easier to identify what adjustments can be made to avoid burnout.